Intentional Parenting

& Motherhood Growth

Become the parent you want to be

and the parent your children need

Doors close to new members

As a Muslim woman, you need something that understands you...

Something that understands your Muslim family...

Something that understands your big picture goals and purpose

beyond this worldly life...

Something that helps you heal the brokenness from within so you can break the destructive thoughts and behaviour patterns using interventions and strategies aligned with your Islamic values

Mums Unstuck is made especially for you

Become the parent you want to be and the parent your children need

Intentional Parenting & Motherhood Growth membership

Helping Muslim mumas to stop the yelling and shaming toward your children AND yourself

Doors close to new members

As a Muslim woman, you need something that understands you...

Something that understands your Muslim family...

Something that understands your big picture goals and purpose

beyond this worldly life...

Something that helps you heal the brokenness from within so you can break the destructive thoughts and behaviour patterns using interventions and strategies aligned with your Islamic values

Mums Unstuck is made especially for you

Who knew motherhood would be so tough?

No one prepares you to deal with tantrums, sibling rivalry and burnout!

No one is there to stop you yelling at the kids when you feel you've lost control of them, the home and yourself.

No one is there to show you how to stop doubting yourself and your parenting.

No one prepares you for the day you look at yourself in the mirror and realise you've forgotten you ever had a name other than "mum".

Who knew motherhood

would be so tough?

No one prepares you to deal with tantrums, sibling rivalry and burnout!

No one is there to stop you yelling at the kids when you feel you've lost control of them, the home and yourself.

No one is there to show you how to stop doubting yourself and your parenting.

No one prepares you for the day you look at yourself in the mirror and realise you've forgotten you ever had a name other than "mum".

I get the struggle because I have been there. I know the late nights crying into my pillow promising myself that tomorrow will be different.

Tomorrow I won't yell.

Tomorrow I'll enjoy time with my children.

Tomorrow I won't use the whole day researching fun things to do on Pinterest instead of actually doing them!

I constantly felt I was always in survival mode. I did what I knew I needed to do to keep my children fed, warm and (I hope) happy. But inside I was empty. I didn't know what I was doing and I had no one to confide in. I felt alone. I felt ashamed. I felt unsupported. I felt tired from the constant research to make things better. I felt I was failing my children, and myself.

Alhamdulillah, I knew this wasn't normal. I knew there had to be a way to beat the everyday parenting battles so I could enjoy being a mother and raising my family as I’d always dreamed of. I knew I had to find a way to crawl out of the pit I felt I had fallen into, not just for myself but for my children.

And so my journey toward personal healing and positive intentional parenting growth began…and I’m here to show you how you can too, insha’Allah.

Mums Unstuck understands that how you feel about yourself,

impacts the way you parent...and how you parent impacts the way you feel!

A parenting solution to enhance your professional development as a mother and rediscover yourself at the same time

Mums Unstuck supports you to work on both your parenting and personal growth side by side, encouraging you to maintain, build and repair stronger relationships with your children, your husband (if you have one) and yourself, insha'Allah.

No one prepares you to deal with tantrums, sibling rivalry and burnout!

No one is there to stop you yelling at the kids when you feel you've lost control of them, the home and yourself.

No one is there to show you how to stop doubting yourself and your parenting.

No one prepares you for the day you look at yourself in the mirror and realise you've forgotten you ever had a name other than "mum".

Who knew motherhood would be so tough?

No one prepares you to deal with tantrums, sibling rivalry and burnout!

No one is there to stop you yelling at the kids when you feel you've lost control of them, the home and yourself.

No one is there to show you how to stop doubting yourself and your parenting.

No one prepares you for the day you look at yourself in the mirror and realise you've forgotten you ever had a name other than "mum".

Who knew motherhood

would be so tough?

No one prepares you to deal with tantrums, sibling rivalry and burnout!

No one is there to stop you yelling at the kids when you feel you've lost control of them, the home and yourself.

No one is there to show you how to stop doubting yourself and your parenting.

No one prepares you for the day you look at yourself in the mirror and realise you've forgotten you ever had a name other than "mum".

I get the struggle because I have been there. I know the late nights crying into my pillow promising myself that tomorrow will be different.

Tomorrow I won't yell.

Tomorrow I'll enjoy time with my children.

Tomorrow I won't use the whole day researching fun things to do on Pinterest instead of actually doing them!

I constantly felt I was always in survival mode. I did what I knew I needed to do to keep my children fed, warm and (I hope) happy. But inside I was empty. I didn't know what I was doing and I had no one to confide in. I felt alone. I felt ashamed. I felt unsupported. I felt tired from the constant research to make things better. I felt I was failing my children, and myself.

Alhamdulillah, I knew this wasn't normal. I knew there had to be a way to beat the everyday parenting battles so I could enjoy being a mother and raising my family as I’d always dreamed of. I knew I had to find a way to crawl out of the pit I felt I had fallen into, not just for myself but for my children.

And so my journey toward personal healing and positive intentional parenting growth began…and I’m here to show you how you can too, insha’Allah.

Mums Unstuck understands that how you feel about yourself,

impacts the way you parent...and how you parent impacts the way you feel!

A parenting solution to enhance your professional development as a mother and rediscover yourself at the same time

Mums Unstuck supports you to work on both your parenting and personal growth side by side, encouraging you to maintain, build and repair stronger relationships with your children, your husband (if you have one) and yourself, insha'Allah.

No one prepares you to deal with tantrums, sibling rivalry and burnout!

No one is there to stop you yelling at the kids when you feel you've lost control of them, the home and yourself.

No one is there to show you how to stop doubting yourself and your parenting.

No one prepares you for the day you look at yourself in the mirror and realise you've forgotten you ever had a name other than "mum".

You never imagined you'd spend your days yelling at the kids, trying to figure out how you can regain back control of your children, and yourself!

You never imagined you'd spend your days yelling at the kids, trying to figure out how you can regain back control of your children, and yourself!

You want more for yourself and your children but are not sure what to do and are exhausted with all the nights spent researching family and parenting tactics that don't change anything

You wouldn't change being a mother for anything, but somewhere along the way it feels as though you've got a little lost and forgot who you are outside being "mum"

You're tired of going to bed feeling guilty every night, promising yourself tomorrow will be better, tomorrow you won't yell, tomorrow you'll enjoy spending time with your children only to wake up to the same misbehaviours that make you lose control of yourself.....

You're tired of going to bed feeling guilty every night, promising yourself tomorrow will be better, tomorrow you won't yell, tomorrow you'll enjoy spending time with your children only to wake up to the same misbehaviours that make you lose control of yourself.....

You want to positively parent and so you have...

Joined all the free Parenting Facebook groups...

BUT it is exhausting chasing every new thread when there is no structure or real tangible direction to follow.

Everyone is as clueless as each other!

Read positive parenting books looking for answers...

BUT you feel uneasy because non of these books are not written for Muslim audiences and even when you do learn some of the strategies, everything falls apart when you try to apply them

Considered hiring a Parenting Coach....

BUT you don't want to invest hundreds or even thousands of £$£$ when the cost of living right now is at an all time high and budgets are tight enough already

You want to positively parent and so you have...

Joined all the free Parenting Facebook groups...

BUT it is exhausting chasing every new thread when there is no structure or real tangible direction to follow.

Everyone is as clueless as each other!

Read positive parenting books looking for answers...

BUT you feel uneasy because non of these books are not written for Muslim audiences and even when you do learn some of the strategies, everything falls apart when you try to apply them

Considered hiring a

Parenting Coach....

BUT you don't want to invest hundreds or even thousands of £$£$ when the cost of living right now is at an all time high and budgets are tight enough already

Now you’re looking for a better way to parent that actually works and doesn't leave you to figure it all out alone!

Mumas who have joined Mums Unstuck are making positive changes!

YOU can too!

Mums Unstuck understands that how you feel about yourself, impacts the way you parent...

and how you parent impacts the way you feel!

Mums Unstuck understands that how you feel about yourself, impacts the way you parent...

and how you parent impacts the way you feel!

Unlike other parenting memberships, Mums Unstuck supports you to work on both your parenting AND your personal growth, because becoming the parent you want to be, starts from within.

99% of parenting is not about managing the kids behaviours....

it's about managing your own!

Unlike other parenting memberships, Mums Unstuck supports you to work on both your parenting AND your personal growth, because becoming the parent you want to be, starts from within.

99% of parenting is not about managing the kids behaviours.... it's about managing your own!

You've heard all the hype about connection before correction, BUT....

How are you meant to connect with a 6 year old having a melt down on the kitchen floor?

What about an 11 year old getting sassy with you because you said no to getting a mobile phone?

Or a toddler who keeps hitting you every time he’s upset?

How are you meant to make a child FEEL better so they DO better and connect with them when they are at their MOST unconnectable so you can correct and guide?

If you’re asking yourself these questions then you need to stop scratching your head trying to figure it all out alone because you don’t have to!

Help is here if you’re ready to take it

You've heard all the hype about connection before correction, BUT....

How are you meant to connect with a 6 year old having a melt down on the kitchen floor?

What about an 11 year old getting sassy with you because you said no to getting a mobile phone?

Or a toddler who keeps hitting you every time he’s upset?

How are you meant to make a child FEEL better so they DO better and connect with them when they are at their MOST unconnectable so you can correct and guide?

If you’re asking yourself these questions then you need to stop scratching your head trying to figure it all out alone because you don’t have to!

Help is here if you’re ready to take it

Your children are only children for such a short time. Don’t spend their youth wasting it crying yourself to sleep, promising that tomorrow you won’t yell, tomorrow you’ll be happy, and tomorrow everything will be different, only to wake up and discover it is all still exactly the same. Make the positive changes now...because you can, insha'Allah

Mums Unstuck is a Parent & Motherhood Coaching Membership helping you to end the destructive parenting cycles that keep you and your family stuck.

Giving you access to ongoing support, live training, a growing library of resources, coaching and community. You'll go on your own personal journey of transformation alongside your parenting level-upping....

because you are more than "just" a mum


Your children are only children for such a short time. Don’t spend their youth wasting it crying yourself to sleep, promising that tomorrow you won’t yell, tomorrow you’ll be happy, and tomorrow everything will be different, only to wake up and discover it is all still exactly the same. Make the positive changes now...because you can, insha'Allah

Mums Unstuck is a Parent & Motherhood Coaching Membership helping you to end the destructive parenting cycles that keep you and your family stuck.

Giving you access to live training, a growing library of resources, coaching and community. You'll go on your own personal journey of transformation alongside your parenting level-upping.... because you are more than "just" a mum

Mums Unstuck is for Muslim women who are tired of...

Battling with tantrums and sibling rivalry

Parenting books that don't align with your Islamic values

Yelling to make your children listen

Feeling triggered

Reacting to your children instead of responding

Feeling unsupported, empty and alone

And WANT to....

Access parent support, guidance, transformation, growth and community

Level-up your parenting game WITHOUT compromising your Islam

Become the parent you want to be

Re-parent yourself to be a positive role model for your family, insha'Allah

Stop self-sabotage and overwhelm getting in your way,

Get off social media and get real help to make positive change

Mums Unstuck is for Muslim women who are tired of...

Battling with tantrums and sibling rivalry

Parenting books that don't align with your Islamic values

Yelling to make your children listen

Feeling triggered

Reacting to your children instead of responding

Feeling unsupported, empty and alone

And WANT to....

Access parent support, guidance, transformation, growth and community

Level-up your parenting game WITHOUT compromising your Islam

Become the parent you want to be

Re-parent yourself to be a positive role model for your family, insha'Allah

Stop self-sabotage and overwhelm getting in your way,

Get off social media and get real help to make positive change

Want to see what you get inside your membership?

NEW live workshop every month with access to our growing library of parenting and motherhood coaching trainings

NEW live workshop every month with access to our growing library of parenting and motherhood coaching trainings

These workshops are not just about information sharing... because if you just wanted information, you can read a book! These trainings utilise coaching, mentorship and occasional CBT tools to help you implement what is taught.

Every workshop is accompanied by it's own workbook guide providing detailed notes and coaching exercises to show you how to find the answers right for you!

End the generational cycles that keep you yelling, shaming and blaming your children AND yourself

Build positive relationships with your children AND yourself

Eliminate punitive punishments that don't work

Learn how positive discipline helps children LEARN from mistakes, instead of punishments to make them PAY

STOP reacting to your children so you can respond to them instead

Understand your triggers and how to control them, insha'Allah

End the generational cycles that keep you yelling, shaming and blaming your children AND yourself

Build positive relationships with your children AND yourself

Eliminate punitive punishments that don't work

Learn how positive discipline helps children LEARN from mistakes, instead of punishments to make them PAY

STOP reacting to your children so you can respond to them instead

Understand your triggers and how to control them, insha'Allah

My parenting game has improved

If I could make everyone that I know join, I would, it really is amazing! My parenting game has improved since joining and I feel a lot calmer and I'm enjoying my kids more alhamdulillah. I can't wait to grow more with all the other mums.

[Mums Unstuck member review]

I needed this advice

I needed this advice wallaahi, more than I can express. I was just making duaa for Allaah to guide me towards the answer of helping my son come out of this whiny stage, and I feel extremely emotional that Allaah answered my duaa through this beautiful advice

[Mums Unstuck member review]

Reflective Growth Coaching tools to work on yourself

The way you talk to yourself is often the way you'll talk to your children.

And the way you talk to your children becomes the way they'll end up talking to themselves.

A big part of Mums Unstuck is working on your inner chatter to make sure it is helping you move forward, instead of keeping you stuck.

Crush the self doubt that keeps you shaming yourself and holding you stuck

Start working on some of your own goals and aspirations outside of parenthood

Reparent yourself and learn how to meet your needs in a healthy way

Get to know yourself and who you are beyond "just" being mum

Reflective Growth Coaching tools to work on yourself

The way you talk to yourself is often the way you'll talk to your children.

And the way you talk to your children becomes the way they'll end up talking to themselves.

A big part of Mums Unstuck is working on your inner chatter to make sure it is helping you move forward, instead of keeping you stuck.

Crush the self doubt that keeps you shaming yourself and holding you stuck

Start working on some of your own goals and aspirations outside of parenthood

Reparent yourself and learn how to meet your needs in a healthy way

Get to know yourself and who you are beyond "just" being mum

Crush the self doubt that keeps you shaming yourself and holding you stuck

Start working on some of your own goals and aspirations outside of parenthood

Reparent yourself and learn how to meet your needs in a healthy way

Get to know yourself and who you are beyond "just" being mum

My favourite part of the membership

I just finished up both of the Raising Me exercises - JazakAllahu khayran Umm Khadeeja! I think this is my favourite part of the membership!

[Mums Unstuck member review]

The work starts from within

When I first joined I was surprised about how much focus was on really looking into yourself and gaining self-awareness. The work starts from within, and I think many of us had to sit down and do deep reflections an learn to be more introspective, in order to go further with the tools we gain.

[Mums Unstuck member review]

An AMAZING community

Support. Connection. Motivation. Sisterhood.

When you know you're not the only one working on the same challenges and desire for parenting growth, it makes you more resilient and encourages progress
because you have a village behind you offering support and encouragement.

The wolf is always able to catch the lone sheep.

There is strength in numbers with a community that doesn't let anyone get left behind...

Mums Unstuck's private community is a safe space offering mutual support, help, and comradery that keeps you moving forward, insha'Allah.

When you know you're not the only one working on the same challenges and desire for parenting growth, it makes you more resilient and encourages progress because you have a village behind you offering support and encouragement.

The wolf is always able to catch the lone sheep.

There is strength in numbers with a community that doesn't

let anyone get left behind...

Mums Unstuck's private community is a safe space offering mutual support, help, and comradery that keeps you moving forward, insha'Allah.

Have an EPIC tribe of like-minded sisters all striving to grow and parent intentionally rooting for you

Get ongoing mutual support and community in a safe space and judgement free zone in our exclusive Telegram group

A safety net to fall back on

One is not judged, we have healthy mature discussions, give each other support and suggestions, and there is no ego.... a safety net to fall back on.

[Mums Unstuck member review]

The sisters I have always wanted

I have not come across many people I felt I can truly turn to for advice previously....I feel that all of you are the sisters I have always wanted

[Mums Unstuck member review]

Have an EPIC tribe of like-minded sisters all striving to grow and parent intentionally rooting for you

Get ongoing mutual support and community in a safe space and judgement free zone in our exclusive Telegram group

A safety net to fall back on

One is not judged, we have healthy mature discussions, give each other support and suggestions, and there is no ego.... a safety net to fall back on.

[Mums Unstuck member review]

The sisters I have always wanted

I have not come across many people I felt I can truly turn to for advice previously....I feel that all of you are the sisters I have always wanted

[Mums Unstuck member review]

Wait, there is more!

Weekly Parent Clinic & replay library

Ever wanted to be able to speak to a parent coach and pick their brain over your unique issue without the hefty price tag?

The Parent Clinic is a weekly live drop-in that gives you an opportunity to request to speak directly to Umm Khadeeja to hot-seat your parenting challenge and get real-time help to find your breakthrough, or listen into other mums finding solutions to theirs

Intentional Parenting Tool Cards

Build your very own easy to follow reference tool kit with Intentional Parenting Tool Cards you can dip in and out of. Helping you to implement parenting strategies that don't involve yelling, shaming or blaming! Showing you how to use positive discipline so your children learn from mistakes instead of punishing to pay for them while you stay cool, calm and in control.


Coaching Resources

Access to extra coaching resources to add to your toolkit that help you to take action and successfully overcome problems, insha'Allah.

These tools are designed to help you take responsibility for finding those solutions so you are able to proactively help yourself and your family, insha'Allah.

Weekly Parent Clinic

& replay library

Ever wanted to be able to speak to a parent coach and pick their brain over your unique issue without the hefty price tag?

The Parent Clinic is a weekly live drop-in that gives you an opportunity to request to speak directly to Umm Khadeeja to hot-seat your parenting challenge and get real-time help to find your breakthrough, or listen into other mums finding solutions to theirs

Intentional Parenting

Tool Cards

Build your very own easy to follow reference tool kit with printable Intentional Parenting Tool Cards you can dip in and out of.

Helping you to implement parenting strategies that don't involve yelling, shaming or blaming!

Showing you how to use positive discipline so your children learn from mistakes instead of punishing to pay for them while you stay cool, calm and in control.

Immediate BONUS:

Coaching Resources

Access to extra coaching resources to add to your toolkit that help you to take action and successfully overcome problems, insha'Allah.

These tools are designed to help you take responsibility for finding those solutions so you are able to proactively help yourself and your family, insha'Allah.

There's STILL more...

Unlock Member loyalty bonus hubs

Mums Unstuck LOVES to give back, and so we created extra BONUS categories packed with additional resources that are unlocked at 3, 6, 9 and 12 continuous months membership.

Mums Organiser (3 month bonus): Additional tools to help you and your family get organised!

Mums Growth Hub (6 month bonus): Additional tools to help you continue your personal growth

Mums Relationship Hub (9 month bonus): Additional tools to help you connect with your loved ones

Raising Me (12 month bonus): Library of Reflective Growth Coaching to aid your personal development and self-discovery

There's STILL more...

Unlock Member loyalty bonus hubs

Mums Unstuck LOVES to give back, and so we created extra BONUS categories packed with additional resources that are unlocked at 3, 6, 9 and 12 continuous months membership.

Mums Organiser (3 month bonus): Additional tools to help you and your family get organised!

Mums Growth Hub (6 month bonus): Additional tools to help you continue your personal growth

Mums Relationship Hub (9 month bonus): Additional tools to help you connect with your loved ones

Raising Me (12 month bonus): Library of Reflective Growth Coaching to aid your personal development and self-discovery

Join the ONLY membership for Muslim Mumas offering parenting level-upping AND personal growth with coaching, mentorship and CBT tools

They say it takes a village to raise a child.

I say it takes a village to support a muma

in raising her child AND herself!

Mums Unstuck is that village for you!

Join the FIRST Parent & Motherhood Coaching membership for Muslim Mumas, offering parenting level-upping AND personal growth with coaching, mentorship and CBT tools

They say it takes a village to raise a child.

I say it takes a village to support a muma

in raising her child AND herself!

Mums Unstuck is that village for you!

Eye opening

I was so confused lately regarding my kids behaviour and how to deal with them. Alhamdulillah such an eye opening session.

[Mums Unstuck member review]

The best decision I've ever made.

Since joining Mums Unstuck my life has totally changed for the better alhamdulillah. I can honestly say it's the best decision I've ever made.

[Mums Unstuck member review]

Eye opening

I was so confused lately regarding my kids behaviour and how to deal with them. Alhamdulillah such an eye opening session.

[Mums Unstuck member review]

The best decision I've ever made.

Since joining Mums Unstuck my life has totally changed for the better alhamdulillah. I can honestly say it's the best decision I've ever made.

[Mums Unstuck member review]

What makes Mums Unstuck different to any other membership?

Mums Unstuck combines BOTH parenting and your personal growth in one place, giving you the best opportunity to successfully achieve your parenting level-upping...because parenting starts from how you feel within.

You will build connections not only with your children, but also with yourself as you do the inner work to breakthrough the obstacles keeping you stuck

Mums Unstuck is specifically for Muslim mums.

Mums Unstuck gives you access to an Intentional Parent & Motherhood Growth Coach and without the hefty price tag.

Mums Unstuck combines mentorship to show you Intentional Parenting tools you might not know, coaching to help you apply those tools in a way that serves you and your family, and CBT Tools to help you change destructive thought and behavioural patterns that keep you stuck.

We do not use NLP, hypnotherapy, meditations or any other "new age" practice that is not compatible with the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Ongoing parent support awaits!

A membership that helps you reconnect with your children AND yourself

Ongoing parent support awaits!

A membership that helps you reconnect with your children AND yourself

What makes Mums Unstuck different to any other membership?

Mums Unstuck combines BOTH parenting and your personal growth in one place, giving you the best opportunity to successfully achieve your parenting level-upping...because parenting starts from how you feel within.

You will build connections not only with your children, but also with yourself as you do the inner work to breakthrough the obstacles keeping you stuck

Mums Unstuck is specifically for Muslim mums.

Mums Unstuck gives you access to an Intentional Parent & Motherhood Growth Coach without the hefty price tag.

Mums Unstuck combines mentorship to show you Intentional Parenting tools you might not know, coaching to help you apply those tools in a way that serves you and your family, and CBT Tools to help you change destructive thought and behavioural patterns that keep you stuck.

We do not use NLP, hypnotherapy, meditations or any other "new age" practice that is not compatible with the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Ongoing parent support awaits!

A membership that helps you reconnect with your children AND yourself

Ongoing parent support awaits!

A membership that helps you reconnect with your children AND yourself

Are you ready to....

...Eliminate the parenting fears that hold you back

...Crush the overwhelm that stops you enjoying your family

...Tame the inner yeller so you can respond to your children instead of react

...Say goodbye to the self-doubt that makes you question if you're enough

...Rediscover who you are beyond "just" a mum

Step into your best parenting self

Be the parent you want to be and the parent your children need...

Are you ready to....

...Eliminate the parenting fears that hold you back

...Crush the overwhelm that stops you enjoying your family

...Tame the inner yeller so you can respond to your children instead of react

...Say goodbye to the self-doubt that makes you question if you're enough

...Rediscover who you are beyond "just" a mum

Monthly live workshop with workbook every month (value £25)

Access to 30+ workshop replays & workbooks (value £750+)

Live weekly Parent Clinic drop-in (value £80 monthly)

Access to growing Parent Clinic Library (value £100+)

Twice monthly Reflective Growth Coaching tasks (value £40)

Intentional Parenting Tool Cards (new added weekly) (value £67)

Monthly community hangout over Zoom or guest speaker (value £5 - £150)

Coaching Resources tool kit (value £37)

Ongoing community support (priceless)

Member loyalty bonuses at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months (value for all £800+)

Total (excluding loyalty bonuses) £999+

BUT, this is a membership NOT a course,

so you get access to a tonne of value for the fraction of the price!

Only £25 monthly

cancel anytime...but you won't want to

Step into your best parenting self

Ongoing support, mentoring and coaching to help you

be the parent you want to be, insha'Allah

Monthly live workshop with workbook every month (value £25)

Access to 30+ workshop replays & workbooks (value £750+)

Live weekly Parent Clinic drop-in (value £80 monthly)

Access to growing Parent Clinic Library (value £100+)

Twice monthly Reflective Growth Coaching tasks (value £40)

Intentional Parenting Tool Cards (new added weekly) (value £67)

Monthly community hangout over Zoom or guest speaker (value £5 - £150)

Coaching Resources tool kit (value £37)

Ongoing community support (priceless)

Member loyalty bonuses at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months (value for all £800+)

Total (excluding loyalty bonuses) £999+

BUT, this is a membership NOT a course,

so you get access to a tonne of value for the fraction of the price!

Only £25 monthly

cancel anytime...but you won't want to

End the destructive parenting cycles that keep you stuck

Ongoing support, mentoring and coaching to help you

be the parent you want to be, insha'Allah

Mums Unstuck is HERE to support and coach you, so you can be THERE for your children

No more sleepless nights questioning "am I doing the right thing?".

No more guessing what you should be doing next!

No more feeling stuck and out of control!

No more social media scrolling that adds to the overwhelm!

Mums Unstuck is HERE to support and coach you, so you can be THERE for your children

No more sleepless nights questioning "am I doing the right thing?".

No more guessing what you should be doing next!

No more feeling stuck and out of control!

No more social media scrolling that adds to the overwhelm!

Weekly Parent Clinic drop-in to hotseat your parenting challenge and get real-time help

Build your own Intentional Parenting reference binder

Coaching Tool Kit library

New Monthly Parent-Coaching Workshop and workbook

Parenting & Motherhood 30+ workshop library

Exclusive private community

Twice monthly Reflective Growth Coaching tasks for your personal development outside motherhood

Monthly virtual community hang out OR invited guest speaker

Exclusive app

Weekly Parent Clinic drop-in to hotseat your parenting challenge and get real-time help

Build your own Intentional Parenting reference binder

Coaching Tool Kit library

New Monthly Parent-Coaching Workshop and workbook

Parenting & Motherhood 20+ workshop library

Exclusive private community

Twice monthly Reflective Growth Coaching tasks for your personal development outside motherhood

Monthly virtual community hang out OR invited guest speaker

Exclusive app

Weekly Parent Clinic drop-in to hotseat your parenting challenge and get real-time help

Build your own Intentional Parenting reference binder

Coaching Tool Kit library

New Monthly Parent-Coaching Workshop and workbook

Parenting & Motherhood 30+ workshop library

Exclusive private community

Twice monthly Reflective Growth Coaching tasks for your personal development outside motherhood

Monthly virtual community hang out OR invited guest speaker

Exclusive app

Join the BEST Muslim parenting village!

You don't need to figure it all out alone!

A membership that coaches Muslim mumas to end the yelling, shaming and blaming so you can re-parent yourself and your family with compassion, building a peaceful, thriving, beautiful home.

Join the BEST Muslim parenting village!

You don't need to figure it all out alone!

A membership that coaches Muslim mumas to end the yelling, shaming and blaming so you can re-parent yourself and your family with compassion, building a peaceful, thriving, beautiful home.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a membership?

It is important that you understand Mums Unstuck is a membership, not a course.

Just as you might pay for a gym membership to allow you to access all the equipment and classes going on, your Mums Unstuck membership allows you to access all our resources, tools, community and support while you're here.

Memberships give you access to a £1000s worth of content for a much lower fee! Much lower than if you were to "buy" as stand-alone courses - Plus the value increases every single month as more content continues to be added!  

FAQ image

Can men join?

Mums Unstuck is strictly a women-only space. When you subscribe you must agree to my terms that you are female, and you will not allow males over age 10 to hear any audio sound.

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Is this subscription for home educators or school mums?

Mums Unstuck isn't specific to home educating or schooling families. All topics are applicable to all mums regardless of whether your children attend school or homeschool. We have a mix of members in our community who are school mums, homeschool mums, working mums and SAHM.

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What time are live sessions?

The Live Parent-Coaching workshops are the second Monday of every month at 7pm UK time /2pm ET. The replay will be posted within 24 hours if you are unable to attend live, insha'Allah (occasionally the time may adjust due to Salaah times in the UK)

The community meet up or guest speaker is the 4th Monday of every month, 8pm UK time / 3pm EST (times pay change due to availability of the speaker)

The weekly Parent Clinic changes day and time each week to accommodate different time-zones to make it easier for you to find a time that suits you if you want to speak to Umm Khadeeja directly. Replays of each session is posted in the member's library.

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Where are the live sessions hosted?

All live events are hosted on Zoom. Zoom is a free application. Download links and instructions are shared inside the member's area. You do not need Zoom to access replays.

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I can't attend live can I still join?

Yes! All events are recorded (other than the community meetup) and are accessible in your member’s area

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Can I share my membership?

Membership is for your own personal use only. It is not permitted to share your membership access or resources provided.

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What is your membership loyalty bonus?

Mums Unstuck LOVES to give back. You’ll unlock bonus resources when you have had 3, 6, 9 and 12 months continuous membership.

Continuous means that you have been a member month after month during the term without a membership break. If you leave and return again later, your account resets at zero months.

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What language are the workshops and resources?

Everything is 100% English, delivered by a native British speaker.

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I'm not Muslim, can I join?

You're more than welcome to join us. It is important to understand that although Mums Unstuck covers primarily secular topics, all teachings as well as advice and coaching given, will be filtered upon Islamic principles to ensure we stay aligned to our core values as a Muslim community.

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Do you offer discounts?

The monthly fee is intentionally low to make as affordable as possible for most families. We do not offer further discounts as we consider it to already be a discounted rate.  

Membership costs less than £1 a day…..less than a coffee and considerably less than one family take away treat… membership gives so much more benefit to you than a caffeine buzz or greasy stomach.

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Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Yes, you can. It will be sad to see you go, and you're welcome back anytime!

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Do I keep the resources when I cancel my membership?

Membership gives you access to resources while you are a paying member. Once your membership ends, you no longer have access. You can keep any PDF’s you have downloaded, however you will not keep any video or audio material.

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Can I get a refund?

As soon as you join Mums Unstuck, you have immediate access to your members area. As this is a digital resource, no refunds will be issued. If you have a question about membership before signing up, feel free to reach out.

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Mums Unstuck will help you to reconnect with yourself and your children, without judgement, and without leaving you to do it all on your own

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